Dr Dragan Damianovich
Medical Oncologist
Dr Dragan Damianovich – Medical Oncologist
Medical Background:
Dr Dragan Damianovich, MD (Zagreb) FRACP, has been a consultant Medical Oncologist at Auckland Hospital since 2006 and at Auckland Oncology since 2008.
Dragan completed his undergraduate medical training at University Hospital in Zagreb, Croatia, where he also obtained his Master’s Degree in Clinical Pharmacology in 1992.
Having completed his postgraduate haematology training in Zagreb he moved to New Zealand in 1994. He undertook postgraduate oncology training in Auckland and completed one year of fellowship in 2006 in Melbourne, Australia.
Dragan has special expertise in the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal, lung, neuroendocrine, and brain cancers but also has experience in a variety of other cancers. He has been a principal investigator in several international clinical trials and a member of a working group for developing Australian and New Zealand neuroendocrine tumour treatment guidelines.
Dragan is also a member of the Australian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC).
Dragan consults at Auckland Oncology on a weekly basis.
From Dragan:
“Working in oncology, I really value the close relationships I form with my patients and their families. It is very special to make a difference in a patient’s life, and very rewarding to see the impact one can have. With new medicines and treatments evolving, the oncology field is also very exciting to work in because there is always something new.
At Auckland Oncology, we provide personalised care. We like to create a sense of familiarity for our patients by having them see the same specialist and nurses with every visit. We are truly passionate about making a difference in a patient’s life.”